Travel Booster’s Holistic ERP Technology

Revolutionize your business with Travel Booster – the platform built for flexibility and power.

Operate & control every aspect of your business.
Gain a continuous overview of your profitability and sales.

Our automated mid-office tools enable you to manage your day-to-day, analyze your business performance, manage your financial operations, and build your business guidelines.
Details of each trip are incorporated into one docket (travel file), including services, suppliers, invoices, travel documents, customer profiles and preferences, and integration with external distribution channels such as GDS.

Tailored to your unique needs, with limitless possibilities to combine in-house content with externally sourced content.

Construct tailor fit products quickly and efficiently with Travel Booster’s industry leading technology which makes it so much easier to create, operate, and customize in-house contracts and allotments for all services, such as flights, hotels, tours, attractions, car rentals, and multiple types of packages – static, dynamic and event-led.

Leverage and launch online and on-site selling channels, with Travel Booster’s holistic platform.

Provide your agents with seamless XML interfaces for searching and booking, all while reaching your customers through desired channels and benefiting from up-selling options, cross-selling options, and a call center. With the ability to build websites for both open and closed user groups, you can manage multiple booking sources from one platform, create proposals, and then sell and distribute with our boosted API.



TBGI – Travel Booster Generic Interface

In the event that the various integrations available are not sufficient to meet the needs of a Travel Booster user, we have developed a generic interface that enables you to integrate whichever additional content sources you wish into Travel Booster. This interface is called TBGI. All the business rules and capabilities of the system support the unique and private content that is integrated into Travel Booster.



Travel Booster’s API

In addition to the abundance of UI capabilities that Travel Booster has, each user can also develop their own private UI to suit their needs or integrate with their clients’ systems. This capability is designed to allow Travel Booster to connect to external sales sites and systems of agents or business clients working with the same agency that uses Travel Booster. Our TBAPI also enables synchronization between local distribution systems (LDS) and Travel Booster (Alp and SABRE LDS, for example).

A Holistic Business System

A Holistic Business System

Travel Booster’s multi-layered ERP platform offers a world of opportunities

Let us solve your challenges